
We Believe:

  • Innovation happens at the classroom level through teachers who are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and supported. 
  • Innovation is social. Teachers will thrive in environments where there is a collective mindset and belief about innovation, change, and ability to impact student learning.
  • Teachers can play a viable and pivotal role in improving education as teacher researchers.
  • The number one driver for improving schools is the teacher. According to countless studies, the driving force for improving student performance heavily relies on who is providing the instruction in the classroom (Hattie, 2015).
  • For a student to reach his/her highest potential, we must engage, grow, and support the classroom teacher.
  • Building teacher capacity, coupled with a strong recognition and rewards initiative, will encourage high-quality teachers to remain in this noblest profession.
  • Teachers are professionals and should be treated as professionals.