
To support collective efficacy, formal, frequent, and productive collaboration is needed. An environment where teachers are encouraged to learn from and with one another and build common understanding is a primary factor in developing collective efficacy. Therefore, candidates will be offered bi-monthly opportunities and virtual platforms to engage with one another around critical educational topics and research.


Steps inspirED District-Partner Donors
Fellows Criteria Identify up to 25 inspirED fellows that meet an agreed-upon set of criteria Provide input on the criteria for fellows Provide guidance and input on the criteria for fellows
Screening & Interview Manage Screening and interview schedule

Lead Screening and interview process

Create rubrics and scoring guides for volunteers

Provide participant feedback survey

Provide interviewer feedback survey
Volunteer and support in screening & scoring candidates Volunteer and support in screening & scoring candidates
Session Location Themes and locations organized by inspirED

Sessions are face to face or virtual
Provide optional space for inspirED Fellows when needed Provide optional space for inspirED Fellows when needed
Session Themes Identify Themes and Problems of Practice Collaborate with inspirED on themes or problems of practice Collaborate with inspirED on themes or problems of practice
Session Instruction Facilitates, organizes, or moderates learning for “Innovation Hour” or Learning Sessions Facilitates learning for “Innovation Hour” or Learning Session Participates in or facilitates as guest speakers or hosts for “innovation Hour” or Learning Session
Provides merchandise, gifts, or food items to support 25 Fellows for District PL Days Provides specific professional learning on district PL Days for Fellows through the Office of Innovation Provides funding to support Fellows for District PL Days
Fellow Events Seeks out and identifies quarterly Fellows events Offers staff time for Fellow events if they occur during the school day Supports by funding or offering Fellow events
Fellow Swag Drop Develops and disseminates Fellow Swag Offer opportunities to disseminate Fellow Swag Provides funding to support Fellows Swag
Fellow Stipend Fundraise and disseminate stipends to fellows in two payments No commitment for Cohort 1 Provide funding for fellows’ stipends
Fellows Media Provide media coverage and collect content for website and social media Provide Media Release for students in Fellows class Provide any specific media release forms for company media
Fellows Research Research key questions or projects developed Provide inspirED access to student-level data for research purposes Fund Research
Innovation Incubator Showcase Organize, facilitate, and moderate showcase Attend, provide feedback, and remove barriers to Innovation projects Consider projects to fully support and endorse